january 09,2025 by a2zwisdom
the most common problem which is being faced by most of the people at present is being broke and poor in the life every one has a dream to get rid of the poverty to become millionaire , some people want to be rich not only they want to live a lavish life but also they want to help other in the terms of financially,medical care , and want to help poors also. so today we will provide 7 ways to become rich person and financial stable and foremost we will teach you these ways without investment and maybe some money can be invested in requirement.

so , blogging is the best way to earn money without any investment and also it provides you knowledge and tool as well. bogging is the way to solve the people problem , if they are facing some problem so most of the people try to find out the solution the internet and if you have solution so definetly they would like to read the article for example people might search how to get rid off from tanning , how to remember what you read so if your article is helping somewhere to overcome their problem so you can earn money not only they read your article but also they visit your website . so start the blogging you need to create a website and website can be created by wordpress etc.

coding could be a great to get rich , we dont say you do a job in company but we say if you are a coder if you have overwhelming knowledge so you can start coaching classes , you can make your own website and you can also promote your business. so teaching could be the best idea which can help you to become rich because there are millions of student who wants to learn and also while teaching you dont have to face the pressure of your bosses and company.

nowadays podcast in trend on youtube and also people love to watch podcast so if you have knowledge which is useful and can be useful for others so start your podcast channel on youtube , just you have to create a channel and you have to upload videos without any investment.

web designing
web designing could be best way to earn money, you just develop design of website like you have to manage user interface and you can sell the websites and can also make a website according to requirement of the client , so you can get the clients from the platforms like fiverr and free lancer as doing free lancing

youtube channel
one of the best way to get rid of from the broke is starting a youtube channel and you dont need any investment , youtube channel can be started even by the help of your phone , the benefits of youtube is people also start to know about you and so you also be a famous personality and launch your own brand , at present people are ready to see. anything on youtube so you can upload video and shorts
so these were most best ideas which can be persued by you in 2025 to become rich.